Monday, August 27, 2018

Don't Mess With Mother Nature---So I Won't

Rothschild, WI

I was contemplating taking a rest day today, and Mother Nature made the decision an easy one.  After listening to rainfall and thunder nearly all night, it was still pouring early this morning.  Looking at the weather radar and seeing a flash flood watch sealed the deal--rest day!

Accuweather Central/Eastern Wisconsin Weather Radar

I was able to create a map image of the planned route finally on my tablet.  Originally, I was going to bring along a laptop, which would have this a much simpler chore, but I elected to carry just the tablet to save weight.  I say "planned" route as I have made some deviations and will likely make more, but for the most part it is accurate.

Planned Route Map


  1. Very wise move to take a weather/rest day. And spending part of it to create map is much appreciated. Soooo, ten years ago you did the central route with Pat and Sean, now the northern route, in 2028 you will do the southern route? Maybe by then you will be able to ride half the distance atop the Great Wall of Trump.

  2. My sister-in-law lives in Shawano. Do you happen to pass by?



Final Tallies from GPS