Friday, July 20, 2018

Exploring the Selway River

Lowell, ID to Lowell, ID
15 miles

Today was a down day waiting for the Hardman's and tomorrow's start up Lolo Pass, so I asked "Loretta" in the coffee shop where to explore by bike.  She gave an excellent suggestion to try riding up the Selway River to Selway Falls. 

Selway River Bridge Crossing

I didn't make it to the falls, but I rode as long as the pavement lasted, about seven and a half miles and turned around returning to Lowell.  Lots of nice weekend getaway houses dotted the riverside, as well a ranch for a bunch of jackasses!

Jackass Ranch

It was very stressful watching the river flow while sitting in the shade of a tree ; )

Hanging Out in Lowell Watching The Clearwater River

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying all your pictures. Beautiful scenery!


Final Tallies from GPS