53 miles
1,653 feet ascent
1,657 feet descent
1,788 calories
Into The Great Wide Open
Just a few miles after turning north onto Highwood Road from Hwy 87 east of Great Falls, a non-descript, white van looking like an autonomous vehicle came towards me from the opposite direction. As it passed, I saw "Apple Maps" written on the side of the van, so maybe I will be one of those people with obscured faces on Apple Maps in the near future!
There wasn't much between Great Falls and Fort Benton but farmland.
Still, it is very scenic.
Farmland East of Great Falls
West Bound Riders Ericka & Ken
Tonight I am staying in the Pioneer Lodge Hotel. Originally built in 1916 as a two story mercantile, it closed years later. In 1986 it was remodeled into a hotel by Marvin and Sunny Appleby, and is run today by their daughter Susie.
Pioneer Lodge Hotel
Missouri River, Fort Benton, MT
George Montgomery Statue in Fort Benton
While it seems like a very low stress environment, apparently some of the locals prefer to go shoot their guns in a more stressful surrounding!
"Extreme Stress Shooting" Gun Range
Hey, I think a pedi-raft would count as riding across America. Bet you could pedi-raft all the St Louis. Cooler than on the road, still making progress during breaks, jump in for a swim any time you like...... Think you should consider now that you are past the last Falls.