Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Red River Crossing

West Fargo, ND to Cormorant, MN
50 miles
833 feet ascent
318 feet descent
1,781 calories

When I crossed the Red River of the North from North Dakota into Minnesota, I fully expected road signs announcing the end of one state and the beginning of another, but there was.....nothing.  No "Come Again" or "Welcome" signs or anything that would let you know you were in a different state.

North Dakota (left) & Minnesota (right)

Of course, they did 't look any different, so maybe it's much ado about nothing.

After riding in Minnesota for two hours, I had not seen any lakes and began to wonder where these 10,000 lakes were hiding.  Eventually, they started to appear though, so the Minnesota tourism bureau is off the hook.

One Of The 10,000 Lakes

Not long after passing that first lake, I passed something shiny on the shoulder of the road and had to make a u-turn for a closer look.  Sure enough, it was in mint condition, so I picked it up and wondered what to do with it.  Pin it on my shirt?  Clip it to my handlebar bag?  What do you think? (You have to amuse yourself sometimes on these long hours on the pavement.)

Toyota Man?!

Minnesota doesn't have oversized roadside animals from what I have seen so far, but they do have their own little oddities, like this.

Shoe-topped Fenceposts

Shoe-adorned Fence

If either of my two Minnesota transplant friends can explain this, please enlighten the rest of us.

I was lucky enough to see another bald eagle today near Cormorant Lake.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a big bird flying along on my right, and when I turned to look at it, I thought it was a big hawk, but then I saw his white head and realized it was an eagle.  Twice in one month, what are the odds?

My legs have felt like concrete the last two days, so I plan to make a shorter ride tomorrow and take Friday off.  I think it shows below!

Speed Leaving Fargo

Speed Nearing Cormorant 


  1. Ask a questionable dentist to melt the Toyota emblem onto your front teeth. Get a Toyota grill!

  2. Too ghetto. You should ask your dentist to melt it into a high-class Lexus logo instead. Technically, it's not cheating. Ask him to coat it in some faux-gold paint and glue some plastic diamonds on it. This way you can remain hip with the youngsters.

  3. It is a well known fact that excessive stress from various sources creates changes in the body chemistry and adversely impacts longevity. A lesser known fact is that individuals with certain body compositions (for example, those subjected to stressful environments) are susceptible to to the effects of Minnesota's unique environment (excess humidity, dissolved algae particles from lakes, mosquitoes, etc.) Those shoes are the remnants of former tech employees who were crossing the country on bicycle who did not leave their jobs, who only took a finite period of time off. Upon crossing the Minnesota state line, the poor souls' bodies reacted and spontaneously combusted. Their helmets were kept by the locals as reminders to not spend all of their lives working, and the shoes were placed as a warning to others to quit their jobs before cycling to the land of 10,000 lakes.

    1. I had heard that as well. I thought is was only a rumour... This is educational...


Final Tallies from GPS