Thursday, July 19, 2018

Climbing The Clearwater River

Kamiah, ID to Lowell, ID
31 miles
Clearwater River

Today's ride was a "walk in the park" since it was just a short 31 mile run up the Clearwater River.  Going further was not an option because the next services are 60+ miles away, and the plan is to meet the Hardman's here Saturday morning and continue eastward.  So, tomorrow, I will take in the sights around Lowell and relax.  When I asked the host at the Wilderness Inn what there is to do, she said "Well, you can watch the water go by", which I fully intend to do for a while.  It was simply mesmerizing this morning watching the currents and rapids as I rode along the river, so I could see what she meant.

Clearwater River 

The river is just begging for canoes and/or kayaks, so I asked if there were expeditions or rides.  I was told they were over for the season as the water was now too low, so I will have to fend for myself tomorrow and find something to do.  Or not : )

Small Rapids on Clearwater River

Each turn in the road today brought more nature and wildlife.  When I stopped by one field, a welcoming duo actually ran out to say "Hi".

Equestrian Welcoming Committee

I think they were looking for a handout from the grass on my side of the fence because you know what they say...  I hated to disappoint them, but we had a nice visit anyway.

Me and My Buddies

Rolling into the town of Syringa, I couldn't help but notice this lineup of old Chevy and Dodge trucks.  It was quite the collection, and many of them had plates, so I think a lot of them may still be driven.

Old Truck Row, Syringa, ID

I must have counted almost half a dozen suspension wire crossings along the river.  These are the ones where you get in a basket and traverse the river via the suspended wires.  It made sense as the road was only on one side of the river, but there were houses and ranches on both sides. Most of them appeared to no longer be in use.  But the one below seemed to be still active, although it might be a dicey ride since someone put a statue of St. Francis by it as a reminder.

Suspension Bridge for Basket Traversing


  1. I can relate: I too am watching a gentle stream of water flowing nearby, but instead of mesmerizing water, it is a continuous stream of malevolent emails with proclamations of unfounded urgency. Besides, if I really wanted to see actual water, I could easily walk a few meters to the first floor bathroom and gaze into the pools of water on the floor.


Final Tallies from GPS