Monday, September 17, 2018

To Rome And Beyond

DeWitt, NY to Utica, NY
62 miles
456 feet ascent
371 feet descent
2,228 calories

After four days of riding along the Erie Canal, I have to say it is beginning to seem like deja vu for many parts.  Still, it is very scenic and nice to ride beside.  Today, the trail varied from paved to gravel to county roads, so it kept things interesting.

Paved Erie Canal Trail

Packed Gravel Trail

Every so often the canal opens wide into large "basin" areas that would accommodate many barges that would queue up, or wait for oncoming traffic to clear.

Erie Canal Basin

I passed several more locks and aqueducts today and even got to watch one of the locks in action.

Aqueduct Near Canastota, NY

Sailboat In Lock 21 Near Rome, NY

When I pulled up to Lock 21, a boat was already in it and was being lifted about fifteen feet.  Water was already being pumped into the lock, but within only a few minutes it was complete, and the sailboat motored right on out.  It was pretty impressive, especially since I believe the machinery operating the locks is very, very old, probably a hundred years old or more.  Most of the locks don't allow you to get very close, but on a couple of them you actually have to cross right on the lock itself, which is a treat.

Standing on Lock

I rolled into Rome around three o'clock, but I couldn't see the Coliseum or the Vatican, so I moved on.

Rome! (NY)

One thing I miss along the trail is all the farm life and farm animals you see from the county roads, but I was quite impressed by this bird along the trail today.

Peacock Along Erie Canalway Trail

The Canal's "Navy" was on display in a couple of spots today, but I don't think they see much activity as it looked like neither one had moved in quite sometime.

Small Erie Canal Tugboat

Big Erie Canal Tugboat


  1. Looks like another great day. The peacock got the color memo from the canal navy...

  2. Erie Canal. One little horizontal tick haunting you for days 😉


Final Tallies from GPS