61 miles
630 feet ascent
702 feet descent
2,062 calories
Continuing north on the Niagara River today after the Falls revealed many more amazing sights including some incredible rapids that reach almost 30 mph! Several times when I looked down at the water I noticed it was flowing faster than I was riding. It was not until I saw a sign later that said the rapids reach as high as 48 km/hr.
Niagara River Rapids
The rapids eventually feed into a "whirlpool" where people brave enough can cross the chasm via a cable car suspended several hundred feet above.
Cable Car Crossing The "Whirlpool"
On the other side of the Whirlpool I ran into a local Ontario cycling group out on a day ride. They were a fun group and were very curious about my cross country adventure. A nice member of the group, "Nancy", showed true Canadian hospitality by giving me a cool Canada maple leaf pin.
The Whirlpool From The Other Side
Ontario Cycling Group
Eventually, I made my way North to the Lewiston Bridge to cross the river back into the U.S. It was jam-packed with semi's, and I was afraid it would be a long wait since I had to ride with traffic across the bridge. Fortunately, they had separate lanes for the commercial vehicles, so it was easy sailing as only three cars passed me on the bridge.
Lewiston Bridge Crossing
I made my way a bit further north through some farming areas en route to the Erie Canalway Trail.
Pumpkin Stand Near Lockport, NY
The Erie Canalway Trail probably has far more traffic, mostly bikers, hikers, and joggers, than the canal itself, as the only two boats I saw were little outboard motorboats for fishing.
Erie Canalway Trail
The Trail is full of history and scenic views though, including old briges, locks, and small towns that once depended on the canal.
Old Lift Bridge
Canal Riding Path
It is an impressive piece of engineering, which is more apparent when riding alongside it, since at times you are twenty to thirty feet higher than the adjacent fields. What caught my eye though was the point below. I heard heavy rushing water and finally saw the waterfall that was responsible for the noise. When I stopped and looke though, I realized that the river was going under the canal!
Oak Orchard Creek And Falls (left) Flowing Underneath Erie Canal (right)
Home Sweet Home
Your last picture is heartwarming.