Wednesday, August 1, 2018

In It To Winnett

Lewiston, MT to Winnett, MT
53 miles
918 feet ascent
1,781 feet descent
2,005 calories

Eastern View From The Judith Mountains

Judging from the more than eight hundred foot drop in elevation, today should have been an easy ride, and it would have been if not for the winds.  The man from the hotel told me on the phone yesterday to hope for tailwinds.  I did, but hoping doesn't always make it so.

After crossing over the Judith Mountains, which were lush with greenery, the landscape again turned arid, and by the time I reached Winnett, it looked like West Texas once more.

Winnett Landscape 

Winnett is tough little town, hanging on to what remains.  One grocery/general store and one bar/restaurant/hangout are the only signs of commerce beyond livestock and some farming, which seemed more focused on hay than on any crops.

Winnett Courthouse

Thank goodness it is here though, along with the Northern Motel.  For without them, cyclists like me would really have it rougher.

The Northern Motel 

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