Saturday, August 25, 2018

Dairyland Is Making Itself Known

Chippewa Falls, WI to Abbotsford, WI
66 miles
1,644 feet ascent
1,214 feet descent
2,690 calories

Wisconsin is finally looking more like dairy country now as I'm seeing more dairy cows and, ahem, smelling more dairies.  There are also more signs for dairy products and, in the case of Colby, more claims to fame--Colby cheese.

Dairy Cows (Finally)

A few miles east of Chippewa Falls near Wissota Lake on County Road O, another milestone was hit as my bike odometer rolled over again.  This time marked the 2K point.  Hopefully, all my parts and stamina will hold out for the balance.

2,000 Mile Point

Not long after stopping for the 2K photo I saw another shiny thing along the shoulder.  This time it turned out to be a Ford logo.  What do you think, better than the Toyota logo: )

Ford "Expedition"

It is a true sign of humbleness when you can laugh at yourself.  You really have to hand it to the Schmidt family, and I was tempted to knock on their door and tell them what a kick the sign in their front yard was, but I kept rolling.  Something tells me they would be a fun family to hang around with.  It took me a while to "get it" because I was looking at all the figures and such.

The ScHmIdT House

During a break near the last stretch of today's ride I heard the "clop, coop, clop" of horseshoes on pavement and looked up to see a horse and carriage.  I soon realized I was in Amish country and probably saw another dozen or so before the day was over.  It is neat to see them running around the towns (Withee and Owen) going about their business.

Amish Horse and Carriage


  1. Epic day! Congratrats on 2K! Love the ScHmIdT house. Not sure what to say about your bovine fixation. 😉

  2. You are heading toward Wausau and Steven's Point to the south. If you get a chance, try some Hmong food in Wausau, there is a large Hmong community there (by Midwest standards, of course).


Final Tallies from GPS