Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Into The Forest

Missoula,  MT to Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Greenough, MT
(Monday, July 23, 2018)
36 miles
1,237 feet ascent
223 feet descent
1347 calories

Downtown Missoula, MT

Sometimes the plans you make don't always work out  the way you expect.  I originally intended to ride further, to Ovando, MT, but when the only place to stay was booked, I had to adapt.  In the end, it was fine as I found a neat, somewhat primitive cabin in the Lubrecht Experimental Forest.

Home Sweet Home

I believe the forest is part of the University of Montana's forestry program and they rent out the cabins when they're not being used by students.

The ride up from Missoula was another scenic, river following run, this time along the Blackfoot River.

Blackfoot River

Ewe Bah-ha-tter Watch Out
(But I didn't see sheep)

After more than 500 miles without any bike issues, it was bound to happen--the first flat.  No big deal though since it was time for a break anyway, and there was a nice shady spot.

Roadside Assistance Self Serve Style

Before leaving Missoula, I dropped by the Adventure Cycling Association.  They are a non-profit organization that prints the maps I have been using.  In addition, they sponsor supported cycling tours all around the country and advocate for cycling in general.  They told me about their latest efforts trying to coordinate between states regarding cycling paths/roads, which were beginning to bear fruit, as well as the "rails to trails" programs. Check them out.

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