Saturday, September 22, 2018

Taking My Foot Off The Gas Pedal, Sir!

New Windsor, NY to Nyack, NY
42 miles
2,697 feet ascent
2,808 feet descent
2,078 calories

After facing heavy traffic yesterday on the "country" roads and reviewing the maps for the remainder of the route, I decided to split it into two rides so I could ride into NYC on a Sunday morning when traffic should be at its lightest.  And, it would enable me to do some more sightseeing on the way. 

Tranquil Hudson Morning In New Windsor, NY

Pollepel Island

Hudson River From Storm King Highway 

Storm King Highway 

It's a good thing, because I probably wouldn't have made it in one day anyhow!  Road names "Storm King Highway" and "Bear Mountain-Stonypoint", and warnings in my "Cycling The Hudson Valley" book about them being for "experienced cyclists only", all made sense, especially the nearly 2,700 feet of climbing.  Fortunately, early on a Saturday morning there was virtually no traffic on the road.

Splitting the ride gave me time to visit West Point and tour the United States Military Academy.

West Point Visitor Center

West Point Museum

Although the tour was only about an hour long, they packed a lot into it and hit the highlights.  If you are ever in the area, I would highly recommend it.

Campus Overlook

Cadet Chapel (one of seven)

Marching Grounds

Civil War Memorial

North Hudson View From West Point

It is hard to believe that tomorrow I will finish, but I am  really looking forward to wrapping it up and seeing the Atlantic and relaxing.  While I like these kinds of signs, hopefully this one I saw today will be the last one for now!




  1. Wow, can't believe you will finish tomorrow (well today for me as I am writing this late on Sunday afternoon). Be careful on the last day with the NYC drivers ha ha. And enjoy the train trip back to Rochester. Super proud of your accomplishment. People here in Myanmar are all amazed that such a trip can even be accomplished. Cheers


Final Tallies from GPS